
Monday, May 16, 2011

#112 Bubbly Turtle

Soap bubbles on a teflon frypan don't hold their shape for long.
I think it looks pretty good, all things considered. Pin It


  1. WAY better than I could do with a tree made of soap bubbles! Pancake batter was tough enough, and it wasn't dissolving before I could snap a pic.

    This made me smile. Thanks for that.


  2. Thanks for the compliment Misha. And I am glad I could give you a smile!
    Funny you should comment on this one because I was thinking of you and your pancake while posting this! My daughter was making a mess -I mean, pancakes- as I was posting and I thought of your tree and that I want to try to make a turtle pancake at some point.

  3. That's funny, Ange!

    Good luck with the turtle pancake.

